Parish Plan
Over the past couple of years, the work of the Parish Council has become more diverse and complex.
In order to focus clearly on the issues of importance within the Parish, many of which were suggested by residents during the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan, the Council decided to draw up a three-year Plan.
A number of workshops were held, during which Councillors prioritised issues needing attention into a series of projects. The following projects now form the major part of our Parish Plan.
Planning – making sure that the Parish’s Neighbourhood Plan is not undermined by developers whose sites were not listed in it.
Improving the appearance and functioning of the Parish by means of renovating or replacing bus shelters, trying to green-up the triangle outside the Dun Horse pub, planting new trees and bulbs, replacing street lighting with more energy efficient ones and continuing to press for lower speed restrictions, to quote just a few examples.
Improving the Parish Council’s website so that residents can more easily report problems such as potholes, overgrown hedges, floods, fallen trees and so on…and also find information about all the clubs and facilities in the Parish.